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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ok, The Real Learn About T-bone

OK, where to start. I was born on New Years day during one heck of a snowstorm. The birth almost didn't make it to the hospital due to road conditions and the storm, but we made it there and into a room with a doctor to pull me out, and viola I was a statistic in the population and a new member of the family.

I don't remember much about my first six years except the fact that I had a mother, father, older sister, older brother, and younger sister. My father was ill with cancer and passed away when I was six years old. I do remember bits and pieces of him in my life, but for the most part have to remember him from pictures. He was a funny man most of the time but could be serious when need be. Everyone in my family has told me I am a carbon copy of him, not by looks, but by personality.

My mother remarried two years after my father passed to this older gentleman that looked like he was harboring a giant beach ball in his stomach. It didn't wiggle or jiggle, in fact it didn't move at all. He was a rough man. He had a very poor personality and seemed like he really didn't want anything to do with us kids. As the years progressed, he started to become family oriented, eventually becoming a person who centered everything around his family. I am proud to have called him my step-father. He was the last member of the family to pass away. A freak heart attack took him.

My mother was your normal workaholic. She would be gone all day, but made sure she was home when we came home from school and had our dinner ready. She was a loving woman, always wanted the best for her children. She taught us right from wrong and turned ME into a "goody two shoes" so to speak. My mother developed breast cancer and passed away two years after she was diagnosed.

I finished high school, tried the whole college scene but it didn't work out. So I came back home tried a few jobs and was hired at the best paying company in our small town. I eventually joined the local fire department, became an E.M.T. and started saving lives, all volunteer.

I met my wife in high school. She had a locker right next to mine. I would get to my locker in the morning with the same old routine, open combination lock (while saying combo out loud), grab my books, say hi to friends, then go to home room. Then one day, I came in, went to my locker and the lock had already been removed. Huh? This went on for days. Come to find out it was my future wife removing my lock because she overheard me everyday chanting my combo. This young lady next to me was very attractive and I knew after getting to know her that I wanted to be with her. Of course this never happened till many years after school when she showed up at my house out of the blue (She hit the events right on the head if you go to her blog to find our story. )

All my life I have been a sponge for useless knowledge and facts. The average human head weighs approx. eight pounds, one's arm span is equal to their height, one's eyes are the same size from the time they are born to the time they die, I have many more to tell but I would fill up a whole page. Another useless talent I have is I am able to recite a movie just by watching it once. I would start to recite a movie and my wife would ask, "And how many times have you seen that movie?" And I would reply, "Just once." She gets annoyed when I do it while we are watching a movie.

Well it feels as if I have been typing forever so I will spare you all for a while. Maybe if I feel up to it I will elaborate more on myself. Till then...Enjoy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't forget to inform everyone that you have less useless knowledge than you used to, since "the surgery". You know, the one where you had that nose job? The surgery we aren't supposed to talk about? The one that took your knowledge bump away? Huh? What? Did I say something wrong?

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