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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First Post!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! Never Thought I Would Be Doing This!!!!

You can all thank my wife Porkchop for my blog. She has been posting her own for a while now and keeps talking on how she can't believe I haven't started one. Well her wish has been granted. I have been told numerous times by my wife that I am a smart man with the wrong knowledge. Hmmm... how can one be smart with wrong knowledge? Well from what I am told my head is full of useless knowledge that would save the lives of zero people when it comes down to it. Ah yes, I can see it now, hundreds of people awaiting their doom and I can be their savior only if I suggest the correct thing to say. I got it!!!!! I can save people's lives by telling them that it takes eight pounds of pressure to pull one's ear off. YESSSSS!!!!! I have just saved...... NO ONE!!!!!! But they did learn something. Ok I will not bore you any more tonight (or today whichever time you are reading this.) I do certainly hope you will come back for more life saving phrases and maybe to learn more about my life because I do have some stories where I have actually saved some lives too. Till then hope all goes well.

P.S. Please don't go pulling on your ear to try to pull it off, get a fish scale and hook it to a friends ear this way you can make sure it is eight pounds and doesn't hurt you too much.


Anonymous said...

Hey, nice suggestion on hooking that fish scale to a friend's ear. None of us are stupid enough to hook it to our own. Yeah right, our town is full of people that dense. Like those pancakes we had earlier. Dense. Get it? HAHA!

~Shell said...

Aww that was a good first post! welcome to the blog world.

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This is the rating for 2008.